Ebook Download Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202)
Ebook Download Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202)
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Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202)
Ebook Download Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202)
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About the Author
Bill Calkins is owner and president of Pyramid Consulting, a computer training and consulting firm specializing in the implementation and administration of Open Systems. He also is the owner of www.UnixEd.com, a web site that provides online UNIX training materials. Bill has more than 20 years of experience in UNIX system administration, consulting, and training at more than 100 different companies. He has authored several UNIX textbooks, which are currently best sellers and used by universities and training organizations worldwide, including the Solaris System 9 Systems Administrator Training Guide from Exam Cram.
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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
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No. Will it help you pass? Very likely yes.I took the test, using only this book and the optional 494 study question package. I studied until I could score 90% on the review questions consistently. I passed with 70% on the upgrade exam. I admit that I don't use the advanced features of Solaris 10 on a regular basis. I've never worked with zones, zfs, snapshots, and only rarely use the SMF. I can't fault Bill Calkins for my own lack of experience. But this book got me up to speed enough to pass.Obviously, the book can't give the answers to the actual exam questions. It doesn't try to. The book does a great job of covering the material that will be on the exam, and the scenarios you will be dealing with.I must disagree with the reviewers who said none of the content in the book was on the exam. They must have taken a microsoft exam by mistake. On the Solaris 10 upgrade test I took, ALL THE MATERIAL ON THE TEST was covered in Calkins' book. First off, I'd just like to say, it is fun to turn this book over and see the old retail sticker from Borders still on it, for $64.99 when I just paid $26.98 brand new delivered from Amazon. I totally love Amazon.*****That being said, I did a lot of research before selecting this particular book. Its the perfect reference to compliment the Solaris Online Learning Center courses. I often have to pause the playback and go look up a topic online to get more insight into it. Solaris takes some getting used to if you're coming from the Debian or RPM builds. I've already looked up a few topics I've been studying lately for LPI and a couple of things I had to contend with on the Linux+ exam, to see how much detail the book gets into, and it seems to be exactly what the Doctor ordered!The CD and end of chapter test questions are great bonuses, but I would buy this book again even if it didn't have those. I passed the both exams using this book with flying colors, but then I have been doing Sun UNIX for 20 years. I can confidently say this is an excellent review book and even a good reference aside for using as a study guide. The CD exam had many questions that were on the test, amazing. But most important, not just passing the exam, the book provides an in depth understanding of Solaris 10. I have many of Bill Calkins books on this subject, different OS releases, and you can see he has evolved his book into an efficient concise guide for Solaris. There are plenty of review tables and step-by-step examples.He does the best coverage of have seen on Rules file keywords for Jumpstart; you have to dig on the Sun site for such documentation. The book did lack enough content for Intel Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) and there were a number of questions on the exam (x86 Solaris) on this subject. However, you can't find material on x86 subject easily or in one place, so this is the best there is on x86 Solaris.The book covers zones in just 20 pages and is complete. Step-by-step examples are provided for different configurations such as NIS, NFS, network interface, AutoFS (excellent explanation and step-by-step), jumpstart, logical volumes, zones, service management facility and its recovery, backup/restore including recovering the boot block, access control list (ACL) commands, etc. which can be used as a reference too. I also recommend the book for a trainee learning Solaris. great book If you already pretty much know what you're doing, this is a good reference for preparing for the test. But you have to be able to overlook the issues like typos and wrong entries. I bought this book for my Solaris 10 Upgrade exam - result, passing score! However unless you are an experienced SA, I would recommend not using this book as your sole study guide. There are a few technical inaccuracies in addition the material fails to delve deeply enough into certain key exam areas such as Sol on X86. Post-exam, I view it as a nice Sol 10 reference to keep around. I read this book cover-to-cover. It was so poorly done. It's almost like the author has no understanding of the SCSA exam at all. I took both SCSA exams and neither one had any questions that were related in this book. If you want to pass the exams, I highly recommend that you not read this book! Poor, poor, very poor. This book is great for the exams. In my case I was looking for something to help me upgrade my solartis certification to 10. I went through the other book for the exam written by Paul Sanghera but does not have a lot of info. This book is by far well-written with a lot information you need to learn Solaris 10. If I had a choice to make I will go for this one. But with my rule never used one source to study for certification. If you have money get this one first and then the other study guide.Overall, I give 5 stars and recommend this to anybody serious about solaris 10. Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202) PDF
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Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202) PDF
Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202) PDF
Solaris 10: System Administration (Exam CX-310-200 & CX-310-202) PDF