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, by Sahara Rose Ketabi

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Product details
File Size: 14431 KB
Print Length: 354 pages
Publisher: Alpha; 1 edition (August 8, 2017)
Publication Date: August 8, 2017
Sold by: Penguin Group (USA) LLC
Language: English
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I am only on page 12 and yes I gave this book a 5 star review. Here is why... I am not new to Aryuveda but also certainly not an expert. I even have seen an Aryuveda practitioner, drink my tulsi tea, take my herbs shatavari and ashwagabdha, tongue scrape, pranayama, ashtangha, and on and on. Have I been consistent NO! And here is why, because the key to sticking with anything is to 1. Have motivation which I have being of vata mind and body that are imbalanced and 2. Understand why you are doing what you are doing... key word understand. Being 💯 % honest most and I won't say all Aryuveda books and practitioners are not teaching on a level of modern understanding and how Aryuveda principles really can serve us. Reading the first 5 pages Sahara says what I have been thinking all along... how can this ancient beautiful system apply to me in a simple format... no one has hours to be making kitchari, rubbing oil on my body and doing most of the recommended practices. This review will be updated once I finish the book but for now 5 stars for keeping it real, already teaching me so much in the first 12 pages, simple format, and how the book is constructed. I am truly excited about the future chapters. This book will be my tool and resource for everything and I can already tell I will purchsse many copies for me and others . Thank you Sahara for sticking your intuition and making us teaching us something so valuable in a simple format!
I am so grateful to have come across Sahara Rose a few months ago. Her podcasts, site, course, and now this book have helped me to learn more about Ayurveda, and to better understand it. This book is well-organized. It gives you a basic understanding of Ayurveda before diving into the specifics you need at any point in your life. The chapter on Prakriti and Vikruti really helped me understand the need to re-evaluate my body's needs. 3 was the most important part because I strongly feel everyone needs morning routines and nightly rituals to open and close the day. I've been researching Ayurveda for over a year and I felt that this book provided info that is hard to find anywhere else. I have rarely read about the Dhatus and Koshas. Part 4 on nutrition showcases Sahara's unique training in the areas of nutrition. The last part on healing is extremely helpful- just this week we discovered a candida issue in my family. I now feel I have some tools to work with. This will surely serve as a quick reference in the future.
I recently discovered Sahara via I a podcast I listen to, “Chasing Joy.†I was enamored by her intelligent musings about health and wellness on the podcast, so I decided to check out her Instagram. I am SO glad I did, because it led me to this book, which has helped me begin dabbling in the practice of Ayurveda. As someone who is interested in natural, holistic healing (both physical and mental), this book has helped me to begin the process of balancing my body and ultimately my life. The body knows what it needs to do to heal itself, and this book has helped me both support and accept my body through working on balancing myself, and taking gentle, respectful, proper care of my body.
Love, love, love this book! I was introduced to Ayurveda last year and many of the aspects of it resonated with me, but it can seem like a lot of information to understand. Sahara does a wonderful job of making the principals easy to understand and user friendly. I really like the way she modernized the techniques but also keeps the integrity of the ancient methods. Trying to be healthy these days can seem very confusing and overwhelming with all the information out there but this book has given me a lot of clarity about what is right for my body type. I know many people struggle with acne, including myself, and this book has been a great tool to understanding my pitta imbalances that have been causing breakouts. Just so grateful for her writing this book and sharing her knowledge! This isn't just a book you'll read one time, but something you'll continue to use as a resource for years to come. I also recommend checking out her other social media platforms and podcast for more great content!
If you feel tired, sluggish, experiencing brain-fog and feel the urge to reconnect with your body and highest self - this book is your answer. I've been putting the ayurvedic practices into action and feel much more energy and focused in my daily life. I have forced myself to slow down and reconnect with the help from the plethora of knowledge in this book. Doing so has helped me open up more time in my schedule for things that truly matter. It is so much more than weight loss. It's about feeling and being healthy inside and out. It's about disease prevention. It's about connecting with your higher self. Sahara Rose's book, The Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda can help you reach this state of mind, body, soul connectivess and so much more. Don't hesitate. Give yourself the gift of health and well being and check out this book.
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